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Listening to Music While Running
Dr Andrew Schneider
Listening to music while running has become very popular in the past 10 years. Some companies such has Nike have even profited from this by making shoes with technology that allow runners to time their runs to music. This even transmits the information directly to an ipod! Many people like the option of having music because it takes their minds off of the workout. Upbeat music is the best option if you are looking for something to distract you from your run. Upbeat music helps to get your adrenalin pumping and can help to lift your spirits.
Many people say that running is 90% mental and 10% physical. I am a big believer in this. Ask any long time runner and they will tell you that the best way to finish a workout is to distract the mind from making them believe they can’t finish. This is why people encourage themselves out loud while running. It is a method of verbally disagreeing with your mind that you can’t go on, and sometimes it actually works. Listening to music while running does the same kind of thing. It distracts the mind from thoughts of negativity towards the workout.
Listening to music while running is not for everyone. Although there are many people who love to listen to music while running there are also many people who refuse to do so. There are many reasons why people choose not to listen to music while running. First, some people like to get lost in their thoughts while they run. I’ve heard runners claim they get some of their best thinking done while running. Listening to music is a good distraction, but some people want to be alone with their minds while they run. Others don’t listen to music while running because it is a safety hazard while running outside. If you are listening to music while running outside you are not as aware of your surroundings and this can actually be dangerous to a runner. There are unfortunate stories of people getting hit by cars, buses, or even trains, when they are not able to hear them coming.
Ultimately the decision to listen to music while running is up to personal preference. There are positives and negatives to listening or not listening to music while running. Music can be a great way to help a person push through their workout but it can also be a dangerous distraction to outdoor runners. Whether you listen to music or not while running just remember the ultimate goal is to enjoy your workout, so do whatever helps you achieve this goal!
Dr. Andrew Schneider is a podiatrist in private practice in Houston, TX. He is dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of the feet of athletes and return them to their sport as soon as possible after injury. For more information about foot health in sports, informative videos, and to order Dr. Schneider’s FREE book,
visit his website
and his blog
“The Houston Running Chronicles”
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