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Submitted by: Geo Clark
Does anyone remember playing king of the hill in the winter time. We would find a large mound of snow that the snow plow created and the games would begin. Sometimes we would have teams but most of the time everyone had to fend for themselves. You had to have a strategy to get on to the top and have a strategy to stay on the top. As the game progressed, the hill got more slippery so it was even tougher to get to the top. There were times where you spent every piece of energy just getting to the top. You were the king of the hill with no energy to defend the hill.
That was elementary school. We had a blast. Come junior high, we still spent the fall playing tackle football. We played basketball when we could shovel the snow off of the basketball court in early spring and baseball in the summer. The summer variety included finding a pool when it was too humid to play outside. In home air conditioning was pretty new then. Most houses did not have air conditioning. We had the basement and a fan. At this time, video games were introduced. We played ping pong and bowling via video. They were fun. We would only play for a little while. I would play pinball machines longer if I had more than a dollar in quarters.
I went to four high schools so everything was different depending on location. Friendly games of basketball werent as friendly. The competitive juices were much higher then. Everyone wanted to win. Our video was moving up to missile command and Pac-man. Video games were starting to get entertaining. School was a little more challenging and we all realized that college or working or college and working were coming up soon. I knew I was going to college somewhere. I did not have an idea of where I was going. When I was in the east coast, I wanted to go to the west coast (UCLA,USC, or Stanford). They were more expensive without a scholarship if you didnt live in California.
Senior year we moved to California. People say that they dont like the west coast because you dont get complete four seasons. The leaves change colors every year. You can drive to snow if you want it. Personally, I enjoyed 60 degree winters. On the sports side, you can play all sports all year round. The beach may be a little cooler in the winter time but you can still go.
In college, I went back to the east coast. There is nothing like a blizzard to make you appreciate the west coast. Electronically, our computer class was on Fortran. It was hard for me. It was even harder as we only had four computers available. They were used by the bigger people first. We played a sport every season. At this level, you were part of a team. You stayed with one team until the season was over.
When I compare the east coast to the west coast for seasons, I did not like dealing with the aftermath of snow. There is no game to shoveling snow. You just had to do it. Sometimes, you would shovel the driveway and it would have six new inches of snow to shovel before you were done. Id rather drive to the snow and visit the east coast in spring or fall.
About the Author: Believe that success is based on faith, family, and friends
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