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Submitted by: Maureen123 Hayes
In order to say one has truly experienced fun ole China, there are a few things which a study in Beijing student must complete before heading back home fluent within the language. Although these listed items may initial sound silly, without experiencing them it would be hard to say one has truly explored the city for what it is worth.
1) Mastered a public Chinese toilet
This one may prove to be a bit of a culture shock for beginning study in Beijing students, but without at least trying once, then one misses out on part of the reasons and fun of travelling to a foreign land. To see and experience first-hand how different cultures provide for basic human functions is one small element in absorbing and opening your mind to new things. The squat may not be as comfortable a commode for our un-springy Western muscles, but it’s a heck of an anecdote when you get back home.
2) Climbed the Great Wall
A study in Beijing student simply must travel to the Great Wall as it is the icon of everything Chinese. It is also probably the first thing people back home will ask about. The Great Wall has such a profound impact on Chinese civilization that even the once mighty Chairman Mao was quoted in saying if you don t visit the Great Wall, you are not a patriot.
3) KTV
Karaoke bars are a must-do for nightlife in China. Ironically this form of nightlife entertainment can also serve as a form of class. Most Chinese KTV-goers belt out their favourite pop songs with no sense of embarrassment. A night out at the KTV is an opportunity to listen and learn many hip Chinese songs while conversing with your new found Chinese friend, all along over a drink.
4) Posed for pictures with complete strangers
This one has Chinese written all over it. Usually initiated by rural Chinese who may not have had many chances to see a foreigner in the flesh, many study in Beijing students will be asked to pose for a picture. Before you leave it is just fitting for you to switch the cards! The general layout of such behaviour can be broken down in to two pictures. The first being a picture of a camera happy individual, and the second being with a flash of your best two-fingered peace sign.
5) Taking in the parallels by spending an afternoon in a village followed by
a day at a spanking-new shopping mall. The contrasts of China and the rapidity of its development are two things that make it such an interesting country. Make sure you leave China knowing its huge extremes.
As a study in Beijing student there will be many new experiences enjoyed by participants. One of the greatest attributes of a study abroad program is it provides for both quality learning as well as offers an emersion of culture. As students experience and develop the two, a new found self identify of an international citizen begins to arise.
About the Author: For more information about study in Beijing, Please visit
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