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Water is a precious natural resource required for life on over blue planet but very little percentage of all the water available over the earth is potable and can be used for our daily water needs. Around three fourth of earth’s surface is water but approximately around one percent of all the water is useable for the humans. Water in rivers, underground water and rail water can be considered only resources of useable water and human civilization needs to save water for future use otherwise there will be no such water on the earth.
Even today there are places where people need to fight hard to get a little amount of potable and useable water. They travel tens of miles on foot to get hardly a bucket full of water and this is their daily routine. In some countries water is even more precious then your regular cold drinks as such countries really lack sources of potable water. Government and other social bodies are helpless against such situations as till now there is no such technology to convert salty water in to sweet water on a large economical scale.
Living in an area where drinking and sweet water is easily available doesn’t mean that we should not think over this burning issue as availability of potable water depends on under ground water level and in many countries under ground water levels has gone down substantially. People now use rain water storage technique and store rain water in plastic water tank. Rain water storage is very good and popular method of saving useable water for future use.
Rain water storage can be done from any roof by installing a plastic water tank so that water gets inside the tank when it rains. Very first instance of rain water storage was found in china where people use bamboos to store rain water in to an underground water tank. Earlier people were using underground water tank but now plastic water tanks are more popular as they provide easy rain water storage at relatively low cost. Plastic water tanks are not being used to store rain water only but they serve as regular water storage unit at home, offices and in many industries.
Plastic water tanks comes in many sizes and shapes like rectangular shape, circular shape however traditionally cylindrical plastic water tank shape is more popular in homes while different customised sizes and shapes are made for industrial purpose. Many plastic water tanks come with thermal shield to prevent over heating of water in summer season. Before installing any plastic water tank consider following to decide the right shape and size of your water tank.
Calculate the amount of your daily water use and the relative requirement of water storage. In case you are installing rain water storage tank consider the annual amount of rain in your area so that proper capacity of plastic water tank can be installed. Ideally any plastic water tank must store double amount of your daily water need for example if you use 1000 liters of water in a day for different purposes then plastic water tank on your roof must store at least 2000 liters of water.
Plastic water tank usually has a long functional life but few cheap plastic water tank manufacturer use very low grade plastic to produce plastic water tanks in order to keep their water tanks economic as water tanks don’t need to install each and every month or year consider a repudiated plastic water tank manufacturer for purchasing plastic water tank
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/home-improvement-articles/use-plastic-water-tanks-rain-water-storage-save-precious-life-giving-resource-water-515041.html
About Author:
Rain water storage, Collapsible water tanks – Portable water storage Designed and built in Australia for Grey water storage and temporary water storage, mobile water tank, plastic water tanks, Portable Water Tank repair a galvanized steel frame and strong thermoplastic liner.Author: Newalex Thomson