Custom Paper Bags For Restaurants: A Definitive Guide

Why Restaurants Should Opt for Custom Paper Bags

When it comes to running a restaurant, every detail counts, even such seemingly minor ones as the bags used for takeout orders and leftovers. More and more progressive businesses today opt for custom paper bags, advocating not only for a unique style but also for an eco-friendly approach to service. This article will deepen into the advantages and specifics of using customized paper bags in foodservice venues.

Custom paper bags enable restaurant owners to provide their customers with more than just a container for their food. These bags serve as a visual representation of the restaurant’s brand, signaling its distinct identity and commitment to quality. While restaurant-goers may forget the taste of a meal or the decor in a week or so, a strong brand logo or a clever bag design can stick in their minds much longer, making your place more memorable and favorably differentiated.

Quality and Customization

A quality custom paper bag is noteworthy for its strength and durability. Unlike a wholesale plastic bag, it is usually made from heavy-duty kraft paper which reduces the risk of breakage and spillage. This not only results in better customer satisfaction but also guards against the potential liability issues that can arise from bag failures.

On top of that, customization options for paper bags are virtually limitless. From logos and brand colors to taglines, website addresses, or contact information – you can print pretty much anything on your restaurant’s custom paper bags. More advanced customization may include distinctive bag shapes or sizes, special handles, or interior print.

Environmentally Friendly Choice

Custom paper bags are also a way to demonstrate your restaurant’s commitment to sustainability. They are biodegradable, recyclable, and can be sourced from sustainably managed forests. While a wholesale plastic bag doesn’t decompose for hundreds of years, paper bags require only a few months. Choosing paper over plastic thus contributes to reducing the harmful impact on the environment.

It also resonates with the growing trend of ‘conscious consumerism’. More and more people are becoming aware of the environmental crisis and take into account businesses’ ecological footprint when choosing where to dine. Hence, the use of custom paper bags can be a point in favor when customers make their choice, increasing your restaurant’s attractiveness compared to competitors.

Cost Efficient

Despite being more expensive initially, in the long run, custom paper bags can save a restaurant money. The cost per bag is generally lower when you buy in bulk. Your printing cost can also be reduced by opting for a simpler design. Furthermore, the added benefit of advertising each time a customer leaves with a bag may offset any additional initial cost.

Besides, as governments around the world continue to legislate against single-use plastics, restaurants using wholesale plastic bags may face increased costs in the future. Conversely, those who choose eco-friendly custom paper bags may benefit from tax incentives or exemptions.


Taking a closer look at the pros and cons, using custom paper bags for your restaurant seems like a wise move. They offer an excellent opportunity to enhance your branding, make a positive environmental statement, and potentially save money. When selecting the packaging for your restaurant, remember that it is not a mere afterthought, but a vital part of your brand identity and customer service.