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Safe children, happy parents: Thanks to the school bus safety apps
LisaParents always have the stress about their child’s safety whenever they are going to or coming back from school. In the mornings, it worries them whether their child reached school safely and after school they are always anxious thinking why the bus is late. Everywhere around the world a child’s protection is what counts foremost. However, thanks to technology, now parents can take a sigh of relief.Applications availableThe app market has come up with many tracking applications today, and among them are the Safety apps for school going children. These safety apps serve numerous functions, helping both children and parents in a similar direction. These safety apps can be anything from a simple School Bus App that can track the whereabouts of the vehicle to an AppAlert Mobile App that can signal parents if something goes wrong. The truth is the apps empower both parents and children from the everyday hassles. Most precisely we can say so about school buses, the carrier that we entrust our child to every day. School buses are not as secure as we all know, especially when we read about all the incidents taking place all over the globe in our morning newspapers. Other than that, neither are they punctual and most of the time our children end up missing their school bus due to this.Hence, a platform was required to inform parents about the bus timings, its location and route, as well as information of whether their child made it to school at all. These apps have high security functions, which during emergency can alert the school authorities as well as parents, enabling them to take quick actions. Student activities are recorded on the Cloud, to be used by schools in case of emergencies.ConclusionUndoubtedly, technology has moved ahead and connected everyone today and the School Bus Safety apps are fulfilling the vision of a better tomorrow. These applications are so simple to use that all that parents must do is get their mobile numbers verified to get access to the app. If you a parent, you definitely must try this.The technology integrated in these safety tools is not only supportive for the school community during a crisis, but to first response teams as well. With interactive maps and floor plans available in many programs, first responders can quickly locate entry points and reduce the time it takes to respond to an emergency. School communities can train staff and conduct drills using this app technology to readily access emergency information, practice and refine procedures with students and staff, and reunify a school community following practice or true emergency.The software also helps in routing without errors. When compared to manual recording, the software helps to easily and quickly calculate the working hours and activity of each trip. And above all, the most important advantage is that the use of Global Positioning System tracking is a cost-effective method.Appalert is a safety app for school going children. It’s a real time school bus tracker that notifies parents where their children are, at all times.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com